A new adventure: our harvest 2018

Weather conditions in 2018 were characterized by a cold winter with a lot of rain and snow, thanks to them we restored the water deficit of the dry 2017. A rainy spring, with moderate temperatures until july, has delayed budding and blooming, reaching a full veraison just in the late august. Peeling off leaves makes easier the ventilation for the grapes, limiting too much umidity caused by rainstorms in the late summer.

In september, strategic and important month for maturation, finally came the sun with high temperatures compared to average ones up to 30°C., with a strong temperature excursion between day and night, that make higher sugar concentration and facilitate richness in aromas.

Around mid september we started the pre-harvest to eliminate grapes which were not so promoting, letting to perfect grapes reaching the best and full maturation. Harvest happens in ideal conditions between end of september and beginning of october, giving us healthy and good quality grapes.